Real life stole a couple days from me, but I'm back and nose to the grindstone for the last marathon-sprint to the finish! With 16 hours left to go, I am staying up into the wee hours to complete a few projects that needed wrapping up before tomorrow's competition.
Chimeras - One is painted but missing the dozerblade, the other has the dozerblade but is not painted yet. The latter should be getting its paintjob in the morning, if I have enough time before the competition.
Heavy Weapon teams - I have 2 lascannons primed, but the 2 autocannons need to be primed as well as painted.
Ghillie Snipers - I have 3 painted, the last one is just waiting on a black wash to finish the painting. They all need based properly.
Snap-together Cadian Stand-ins - I have 5 troopers base-coated, but needing to be painted before tomorrow's competition. They are stand-ins for the models that have voxes.
Here's an update on other projects I have put on the backburner:
Griffon Project - Halted until further notice. Probably won't resume until well after the competition.
Special Characters - Halted until after the competition. I currently have kit-bashed together representative models for Creed, Straken, and Marbo. All have been based to a much higher standard than any other models, to catch attention and denote their special character status.
Life is one of those things that get in the way of the gaming classes - wives, daughters, work, property maintenance......