Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Names for the Webzine

Alright, I need your help. I have a name in mind for the webzine, but first let me tell you a little bit about what it will contain before you decide if the name is appropriate...

The Main focus of the webzine will to provide economical (read: cheap) ways of producing fantastic terrain, models, or gaming aids (that relate to 40k). Additionally, the secondary focus will be to promote narrative or 'fluffy' play, by giving campaigns, house rules, background fluff, and army lists to the reader. Finally, the tertiary goal of the webzine will be some of the other things that make up the 40k hobby, such as; painting, converting, sculpting, competitive play, battle reports, and tacticas.

Ok, now for the name. My wife and I devised the name: "The Hobby Bucket, for the 40k Gamer on a Budget". Too corny? I am drawing a blank for any other names, so please give me some suggestions!


  1. Seems OK to me. I'm not the greatest at coming up with titles so it's already better than any idea I could pitch.

  2. This is less about titles than thanking you. Because of your earlier post I downloaded Scribus on my laptop and promptly forgot about it. Today at work I was rushing about like mad because I needed to get 1000 flyers printed by tommorrow and my GIMP images had terrible lettering. Thanks to Scribus I managed to get a PDF in on time that looks crisp and clean.

    So thanks!

  3. Wow, Max, that is awesome! I can't believe that this blog actually served some purpose other than that of the 40k hobby. I am quite pleased with the scribus program, and am glad to see that it helped you too.

  4. Hobby Bucket sounds really good to me - it makes a change from all the other webzines with "war-like" titles. Go for it!



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