I found this post on Dakka Dakka about using gauze bandages to emulate the effect that ghillie suits create on snipers. -Read it here- I immediately got lightbulbs flashing over my head, especially after reading how cheap the basic unit of Ratling snipers are in the IG codex. These are my "Counts-as" Ratling snipers, after a quick ten minutes of converting. If you want a pair for yourself, grab a couple of standard guardsman and try this:
Method: cutting squares of gauze from a bandage square, wet it with watered-down PVA glue and drape it over the trooper, using a brush to make it conform to the body. Leave the face uncovered, and make sure that it doesn't appear that the guy is going to trip on his ghillie. Add several layers of this method, but only enough to break up the conventional human outline. Marshmallow/spaghetti men are a no-go.
For the lasgun: I simply cut off the standard las-barrel, drilled a small hole in the main lasgun body, and cut off the antennae from a vox-pack and inserted the rod in the hole (insert joke here) with the fat part at the end for the barrel.
Since my troopers don't operate in vegetation, the painting was not hard at all. I just base-coated with my standard uniform color, painted the boots, painted the flesh, and then heavily globbed on some black wash for some of the easiest to convert and easiest to paint models I have put together in a while. The ghillie suit is not always meant to simulate foliage, its primary goal is to break up the normal shape of a man that might be discerned by sharp eyes even if the sniper is well-camouflaged. I think this method simulates that pretty darn well, don't you?
Until next time,
Those are cool and very realistic, nice job mate. I might give this a go when I put camo netting on my vanquisher. Hope it comes out as good as these.