Scratch-built Tyranid Hive Ship-
Built from spare parts from Warhammer 40k Tyranid kits and some household items, this scratch-built Battlefleet Gothic model generated a lot of buzz. This was originally hosted on a BFG site that went down, whose name escapes me, but I believe the name was Port Maw.
The Flames of War New Player's Primer-
Although this post was written during the previous edition of the game, it still gets a lot of hits from people who want to learn the basics of this great WWII game.
Painting German WWII Armor Without an Airbrush-
Continuing from the Flames of War theme, this is another article that got a fair amount of attention. Airbrushes are expensive, but it seems like most of the guides around the internet for painting German armor required one. I tried to replicate the method without the expensive airbrush, and posted my results so that others might benefit!
My Imperial Guard rendition-
Before I auctioned them off on Ebay, my Imperial Guard army was lauded as one of my more complete and well-painted armies. Even though my technique was sloppy, and the paint scheme was simple, this was one of my favorite armies thematically.
I first started with Blood Angels when I learned their codex was available as a free PDF download from Games Workshop. Back then, it was conceivable to get a PDF supplement for the game from their website without having to pay 30 dollars for it. Some of my best work was done on BA special characters, and I learned a lot from them. They will always hold a special place in my nostalgia. This army too fell victim to Ebay.
My Tyranids-
I had a particularly macabre method of painting 'nids using the old Bleached Bone as a base and shading it with copious amounts of Flesh Wash. I also had an interesting method of making Spore Pod transports out of a old nerf football, paper clips, and large quantities of hot glue! Mycenetic Spore Tutorial
When I found them not to my flavor, this army was yet another casualty of Ebay.

Armed with the knowledge and techniques I had acquired over the years, my most recent undertaking (before my recent disappearance) was whipping up some Chaos paint schemes. I experimented with OSL (one-source-lighting, pictured), Nurgle, and Black Legion themes. I also kit-bashed a rendition of Abaddon since I didn't care for the official model. More recently, however, I have become hell-bent on repainting my Chaos into Word Bearer colors, with many Khornate additions.

Swanky is a talented painter. Her rendition of Hive Fleet Leviathan is definitely worth looking into. This was her first army, and put many of my models to shame. She successfully has painted approximately 2000 points of Tyranids so far, and plans on getting into Daemons next.

Teun's Iron Hands
With the 7th Edition Space Marine codex, I really found myself liking the Iron Hands. Feel No Pain on everything sounded amazing, and I also liked the fact that they were heavily mechanized. It was a force that I found matched my playstyle. As I dove more into the fluff, I discovered that I found them to also match some of my ideals... the appreciation of bionics and close relationship to the Mechanicum for example. I really kicked this force off when I purchased a Betrayal at Calth boxed set, and started getting into Horus Heresy gaming as well.
And that about wraps it up. I have a whole lot of little nuggets and gems hidden around the blog or buried, but a lot of links and pictures remain broken. Someday, when I have the time and the motivation, I hope to get around to fixing all these incongruities.
I also eventually plan to finish some of the incomplete projects I left lying around. Even if I only complete them with the goal of auctioning them off, it would be a shame to leave things in the state they currently are in. Here's to the hope that I finally finish what I began!
So it's been a full year since I posted this (a few days after, actually) so I wanted to update it with some of the major projects that have been featured on this blog over the past year. I went heavy into Iron Hands, and Swanky Tiger began her own Tyranid force. Soon my son, the Lil'General, will be adding his own Tau force to the blog as his own painted force. Lately, I have been working on Word Bearers, as 2017 is rumored to be the Year of Chaos. I, for one, am delighted by that. I have long loved Chaos.
Here's to another year of great hobbying...
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