Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Bad Sculpting: A few things I have created for 3d Printing

 Over the last few years, I got into making and sometimes selling various 3d-printable creations. Usually I just create whatever I have a gaming need for, which I find pretty motivating, but sometimes I have done a few on commission or request. Here is a sample of some of my designs, most of which are still available for purchase at My Cults3d Store

Just today, I sculpted an Agridome for 6mm gaming, such as Battletech or Epic 40k. It didn't take me long, and it's pretty simplistic (I didn't see a lot of point going into a lot of detail for something less than 60mm in diameter anyway). I wanted it to be quick to print on resin 3d printers. I hadn't cracked open Blender (my 3d design software) in about a year, so this was the perfect project to kick off the dust.

Something more intricate, and pretty popular, is my design for a CSM backpack to upgrade regular CSM into sorcerers. It comes With some pretty heretical tomes, and the chains print very satisfyingly. This is one of the favorite things I have done, and I am glad it sells well, because it took me a VERY long time to get right.

Another project that took a considerable amount of time, my "Boneyards" set was technically successful on Kickstarter, but really struggled to make many sales. It includes a Dragon Lich, a prisoner, and a "Soul Anchor" gemstone, along with fossilized dinosaur/dragon remains and a collection of skull bases. Just a fun little project I had. Can you tell I like chains?

I believe I sold this guy separately at some point. A spectral being of some kind, this guy haunts around and can be used to proxy some popular wargame models that need ghostly wizards. Perhaps a forgotten priest or king in your RPGs, instead? I didn't have a lot of experience making a flowing type of miniature, and there are some design elements I am sure I got wrong, but it was a good try.

The above 3 pictures are examples of my most successful Kickstarter to-date, and also my first! I created a system of interlocking tiles (modeling that was hard, but I was not the first to do it this way so I basically just did it the same way). Where I wanted to differ is that I wanted to create the terrain, but have modular inserts that could be swapped out to modify what the hex represents. This is great for campaign maps. Currently, I only have a Fantasy Setting, but someday I hope to revisit the idea and make some more interesting inserts. 

I wasn't the first to do something like this, as GW had Planetary/Mighty Empires for years before I had the idea to make them into 3d tiles, but after I launched my Kickstarter it was great to see other people putting their own take on the idea. (Some of them did theirs way better than mine!) Maybe I just didn't notice them before I started, but I like to think I kicked off the inspiration?

My very first sculpted mini! I had envisioned a character, gripped by Nurgle's corrupting embrace, fashioning armor from rotting but magical sections of Sylvaneth wood. I didn't execute the vision I had very well, but for a first attempt at sculpting in blender, I hold this one dear to my heart.

That's it for today, I do have some more interesting projects but this post is already getting long! Stop by my Cults3d page linked at the top of this post to see what else I have available, and what little odd things I have been creating!

Until next time,

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