Monday, June 26, 2023

Battletech Progress Report: Little General not so Little


My son is now 15 years old. He usually prefers to spend his time playing on his Xbox or on his PC. Recently, however, I was working on my Battlemechs when he started asking me questions about them, so I started infodumping (thanks ASD) the universe and setting on him.

In the past, he hasn't been as fond of tabletop games. I think he just liked spending time with his Dad, and that is ok! I used the money from selling his 40k models to put into his new gaming PC. He never really enjoyed the painting, he admitted. 

When he showed interest in Battletech, I explained how the new Alpha Strike ruleset was much easier than in the past, and he agreed to try a game of it. I let him borrow a lance of my Heavy mechs, and he won his first game easily! It wasn't long before he asked to play another game! I am enjoying this alternative way to spend time with my oldest son so I offered to paint up his mechs for him. I enjoy the painting more anyway! 

Now he has control of a reinforced company of mechs. My paint scheme on them is pretty basic, but it keeps me busy all the same.

My collection is already up to a battalion in strength. I am waffling back and forth on what paint schemes I like for my own Churchwell's Hussars / Seculars. We'll see what I settle on. 

My "little general" is no longer little. He is almost a man. I guess I'll have to come up with a new title for him!

For now, I'm just happy to play a few games with my son. 

Until next time,

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