After multiple re-writes and revisions, I finally am satisfied with the list I am bringing to next week's tournament. Here's a breakdown of how the list is supposed to work:
The CCS and PCS are both identically-equipped. The pair of snipers, with the autocannon, are intended to be effective against a very particular range of targets- heavy infantry and very light vehicles. The sniper rifle lends the rending ability, which can make the rifle effective against vehicles up to 11 AV, which basically means either Rhinos or the side armor of tougher transports.
The infantry platoon squads are my backfield defenders. Any objectives near my deployment are their responsibility, and in killpoint games they are the base of fire that my other units maneuver from. A lascannon in each infantry squad gives them some anti-vehicular punch with good range, and the mortar teams can lend indirect fire from nearly any point on a standard map.
Three veteran squads in Chimeras, one melta, one plasma, and one grenade launcher squad, are the land-grabbers and main combatants. Each has a specialized role to play. Both the plasma and grenade launcher squads can be effective on both infantry and light vehicles, but only the melta squad is effective against heavy vehicles. Hopefully, I will get the choice of deploying second to determine where each squad would work best based on the unit they are most likely to encounter.
The Leman Russ is pretty self-explanatory. I would have liked to field more than one, but both the lack of another model and the low point restriction made the venerable Russ a luxury. The russ is an effective infantry-support platform, and can be used for either anti-tank or anti-infantry. It's job will be to control the mid-field, or to shake loose any staunch defenders that oppose the mech-vets.
This army is definitely going to take some practice using. It should be effective against MEQs or Mechanized armies, which I suspect to see a lot of. It should also test my concepts of how the game is played, by forcing me to specialize squads for certain roles. No more of the "one size fits all" mentality I applied with my Space Marines. I hope to find this army competitive and rewarding to play.
FoxPhoenix's 49th Alascadian Imperial Guard
Sniper x2, Autocannon Team
Infantry Platoon-
Mortar Squad, Squad 1 Lascannon, Squad 2 Lascannon, PCS Autocannon, PCS Sniper x2, PCO Boltpistol
Veteran Squad-
Meltaguns x3, Chimera with Pintile Stubber and Hull Flamer
Veteran Squad-
Grenade Launcher x3, Chimera with Pintile Stubber
Veteran Squad-
Plasmagun x2, Chimera with Pintile Stubber
Heavy Support
Leman Russ Battle Tank-
Pintile Stubber, Lascannon, Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Points Summary:
HQ: 70
Troops: 732
Elites: 0
Fast Attack: 0
Heavy Support: 195
Total: 997
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