Thursday, November 5, 2015

Tanksgiving November - Forgefiend

The newest addition to my chaos army, a Forgefiend! Planning on equipping him with a ectoplasma launcher head and some autocannons for points-effective shooty fun. Will be painting him in Black Legion colors, of course :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Centurion Progress, and a Nid Army!

 So I got a bit more painting done on the centurion. It's coming along, definitely to tabletop standard, but I entered a painting competition with him so I'm trying to take him all the way to the max of my abilities. We'll see how far that is from here before I get tired of seeing green!

In other news...

Above is the preliminary picture of a Tyranid army my lovely fiance picked up from a local for a bargain. She decided to paint them in the lovely whites, purples, and reds of Hive Fleet Leviathan.

In the army, she picked up:

1 Tyrant, with lashwhip and bonesword
1 Flyrant, with dual twin-linked devourers
3 carnifexes, with scy-tals and crushing claws
1 Haurespex / Exocrine model (I changed the model to allow for the head/cannon part of the exocrine to swap out for the Haurespex's maw
3 Warriors with scytals/deathspitters
1 Venomthrope
1 Zoanthrope
1 Neurothrope
3 Tyrant Guard
1 Hive Guard
10 Gargoyles
14 Hormagaunts
22 Termagaunts
1 Broodlord (but no genestealers)

All-in-all, I think she got a great deal. The army also included the newest hardcover codex. Adding up all this stuff at it's new prices, and she would have easily paid 3x-4x what she did. What a frugal mate I have!

Monday, October 19, 2015

WIP Centurion Sergeant 10/18

Work continues on my Dark Angels colored Centurions. The sergeant is getting close to completion, I finally have the green where I want it and now I am starting on the details.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

If you can't beat them, join them?

So playing Dark Angels, while thematic and cool, does come with a downside: no Centurions. With that in mind, I picked up the new SM codex and a box of Centurions to go with it. I just really dig the models, and those grav-guns they pack are quite heavy-hitting as well.

The kits are complicated as hell to put together. Each miniature has like 30 parts, if I am guessing correctly, which is a whole lot considering they are not much bigger than a Terminator. It was pretty rewarding to get through building them though. I'm pretty pleased with the models.

I have started painting the Sergeant, though I am no longer playing Dark Angels I see no reason to change the color scheme now. So I will paint them up as Dark Angels and just play them as vanilla. I don't think I'll miss much from the DA codex, since Deathwing armies aren't really a thing anymore. The interrogation school of psychic abilities didn't impress me all that much, and I never cared for Ravenwing style armies, so I think I'll be better off with a vanilla codex anyway.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

40k Papercraft

Vehicles are spendy. For a lot of new players, this can price them right out of the game. Why would they spend as much money on a single vehicle for 40k, as most people pay a month in real-life auto insurance? It's getting pretty ridiculous, really. I'm a father, and a homeowner, so therefore, I'm pretty much always broke. How can I get vehicles for my armies, without dropping all my hard earned cash?

Simple. Slave labor. (Just kidding babe, you know I love you.)

My lovely fiance put these together in her spare time using cardstock and paper templates, and I think they look amazing. Check them out:

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Chosen and Cultists... oh my!

 I have some new pics of my table-top ready models. I'm not totally happy with the quality, but I will need a trip to a hobby shop to fill up my paint cabinet again after all these years before I can adequately finish them. So here they are, painted to the 3-color minimum, at least. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

First time painting in a long time, I need new paints...

Worked on some of the DV Chaos Marines I had sitting around... man am I rusty.

Dropzone Starter Armies: 1/2 Done

UCM Vehicles

Scourge Vehicles

I wanted to post pictures of these, since I have had them completed and photographed on my hard-drive for quite some time now. I have even played a few games with them against my 7 year old son, and he loves the game! Now, we have to figure out how to expand the armies without spending a lot of dough, so he can play bigger games with me.

The "Lil' General"


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