Saturday, October 13, 2012

My First Abaddon List of 6th- 1999 Point Black Legion (Fluffy)

The theme: Abaddon and his personal retinue of Chosen, assisted by members of his legion and cultist "fans" that he uses as fodder. Zaraphiston is known in the lore to be his personal advisor, using powers of divination to foresee events before they happen. Unfortunately, the new CSM codex doesn't allow sorcerers access to Divination, but I wanted to put him on the battlefield anyway.

(HQ) Abbadon the Despoiler - Warlord
(HQ)"Zaraphiston" the Sorcerer w/ Aura of Dark Glory, Mastery Level 3, Mark of Tzeentch
(Troops) Chosen w/ +1 Chosen, Power Weapon Champion with Plasma Pistol, 1 pair Lightning claws, 1 Power Fist, 2 Power Weapons, Mark of Khorne, Icon of Wrath, Veterans of the Long War
(Troops) Chosen w/ +1 Chosen, Power Weapon Champion with Plasma Pistol, 1 pair Lightning claws, 1 Power Fist, 2 Power Weapons, Mark of Khorne, Icon of Wrath, Veterans of the Long War
(Troops) Chaos Space Marines with +5 CSM, 2 Plasmaguns, Veterans of the Long War, Champ has PW
(Troops) Chaos Space Marines with +5 CSM, 2 Meltaguns, Veterans of the Long War, Extra CCWs, Champ has PW
(Troops) Chaos Cultists with Autoguns, 20 Man, 2 H. Stubbers, leader has Shotgun
(Troops) Chaos Cultists with CCWs/Pistols, 20 man, 2 Flamers
(Elite) Hellbrute w/ Multimelta
(Elite) Hellbrute w/ TL Lascannon
(Fast Attack) Hell Drake (Thinking of going with the Hades Autocannon to give one extra weapon against fliers, since this is my only real AA unit in the list)
Total- 1999

I have posted this on several forums, but it has thus far been ignored. Any input you guys could give would help!
WIP Abaddon Kitbash


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