"We had thought that we had cleansed the Sin of Damnation with the Emperor's light, but we couldn't have been more wrong. Even I didn't see that one coming."
- Lexicanium Calistarius after the "Lucky Lady Massacare"
The Space Marines of the Blood Angel's 1st Company were counting themselves lucky to be alive as they were picked up from the vacuum of space by the Light Cruiser "Lucky Lady was compromised. The Cargo Bay control sensorium was detecting multiple breaches in the cargo bay doors as Genestealers were able to somehow gain use of boarding torpedoes stolen from one of the many derelict vessels that comprised the Sin of Damnation.
To Calistarius, it was chilling to see just how intelligent the collective Brood could be. He gathered up surviving members of the 1st Company that had been rescued from space, and proceeded to the Cargo area to attempt to purge the xenos intrusion. Through his prescience, he was delivered a terrifying vision: Genestealers had already infested the engineering sector and killed all crew and servitors in the region, and as a result the light cruiser was losing power. Furthermore, a detachment of Genestealers led by the surviving BroodLord itself were attempting to reach the cargo sector's control room, to open all the airlocks for reasons unknown. This vision was dismaying news. Calistarius decided that if the cruiser's air locks were opened, the crew of the Lucky Lady would sustain too many casualties to operate. He and his collected Marines made utmost haste for the cargo sector...
Hey guys, just been playing around with some tools for making new scenarios for Space Hulk. This is the first one I have attempted to create. I plan on play-testing this with my wife in the near future, let me know if you like it. I also am taking suggestions on writing the fluff, since that is not my best skill.
For this scenario, I wanted to take a little bit of the mission objective's focus off of the Space Marines. This way, it would be more fun no matter which side you play in this scenario. Let me know what you think about it.
Just click the picture above for a full-size view, and enjoy!
Until next time,
An update: My wife and I played through this tonight, and found it to be very challenging for both parties. I would tweak a few things- like adding in the marines I omitted and slight tweaks to the map like putting an intersection at the end of the corridor of the central entrance point.