Monday, March 8, 2010

The Case of the Missing Sprues

So if you read my last post (Like Christmas in March!) then you know I just received a few Land Raiders to bulk out my Space Marines. Much to my dismay, one of the kits was missing a few sprues, despite being in the original shrinkwrap.

I have had a similar problem before with a Flames of War howitzer, but Battlefront quickly and amicably sent me replacement parts. Will GW be just as kind?

I sent an email out to them seconds ago, calmly and politely asking what information I would need to provide them with to facilitate shipment of replacement sprues. It was not the online vendor's fault, since the box was still in the shrinkwrap, so they shouldn't give me any problems... will they?

I hope this doesn't turn out to be a big fiasco. I just want my 60 bucks worth, that's all!

Have any of you had problems with missing sprues, and how were they resolved?


  1. GW will send you a whole new Raider box. They will just ask for the batch code on the box. They are really good about this sort of stuff.

  2. That is good to hear, I certainly hope that will be the case! Good thing the 3rd LR was overkill, and not necessary to my Brimfrost list this year!

  3. Yep, GW is very good about providing replacements. Unfortunately over the years I've had to avail myself of that service many times, but fortunately it's never been a problem.

    The only time it really blew was with unopened but OOP boxes that were incomplete. Hard to get replacements for those!

  4. good luck with that, iv never had that issue but it seems odd to me that they would just need the batch# to replace it with a brand new one.

    Not that im a nefarious person but arent you essentially getting a free land raider without proof that you deserve it?

  5. I just got off the phone, and the GW rep said he was "going to take care of the problem" today. I assume he's just going to send out a new box, because he wasn't all that interested in finding out what exact sprues needed replacing.

    08ak1, you are not too far off. A simple batch number, and we're in business. I would urge people not to take advantage of GW's kindness or abuse this service, as it will ultimately lead down a road of decreased customer service and more headaches in the future. I do tell you though, it will be nice to get a whole other land raider for only the cost of the top hull and bottom hull!

  6. I've got to say, they've always been brilliant when I've had misscasts or missing parts.



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