I got my reinforcements in the mail yesterday, and set about constructing them as I planned for in my army list. First up is the Warrior Brood, which I equipped with the Following:
Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands (WS), Extended Carapace, and Flesh Hooks
I also added the following weaponry to the Brood:
Scything Talons and Deathspitters.
Bringing the total for the Brood up to:
102 Points
For the Carnifexes (Heavy Support), I wanted emphasis in assault. So I equipped them to be absolute bruisers, with the following upgrades:
Adrenal Glands (Both I and WS), Bio Plasma (for the extra attack), Bonded Exoskeleton, Extended Carapace, Reinforced Chitin, Spine Banks, Mace Tail, Toxin Sacs, Toxic Miasma, and Flesh Hooks
The defensive stat-boosters like Bonded Exoskeleton and Reinforced Chitin will give my Carnifexes unrivaled survivability, so that they can make it across the table and into enemy lines. The offensive stat-boosters will ensure that whatever these monsters hit will stay down, as well as helping to get the first-strike over powerfists and the like (I intend on killing lots of terminators with these beasts). Abilities like the Bio-Plasma and Mace-tail ensure that the creature will not be overwhelmed by hordes if at all possible. The Bio-plasma also adds the benefit of giving a carnifex with the adrenal gland boost an extra attack at I4, which will further benefit terminator-killing.
For weapons, I equipped my monsters with:
Scything Talons and Barbed Stranglers
I chose talons over crushing claws for 2 reasons- cost and reliability. Crushing claws only more effective than talons about 50% of the time, and they even have a 33% chance of giving you LESS attacks than the talons do. I'm not about that kind of randomness. Therefore, the Talons made the obvious choice for the CC weapon.
For the ranged weapon, I chose the Barb for 2 reasons as well: It utilizes the strength of the Carnifex without needing to upgrade the BS, and it is cheaper than other similar options. How it utilizes the strength of the Fex without needing the BS upgrade is that it is a Large Blast weapon. Since my intended target for the weapon is infantry or light tanks, it is as likely to hit as any other blast weapon if not more so due to its size. The only other weapon that makes good use of the Fex's strength is a Venom cannon, which is not blast. The Venom Cannon additionally can only ever cause glancing hits to vehicles that are not open topped, so that one was right out. If I am going to take the time to shoot at a vehicle, I want to have the chance of destroying it.
So, that is the breakdown of why I chose the biomorphs and weapons like I did. My logic might be flawed or misinformed, but unlike most of my modelling projects, I actually tried to use gameplay as an influencing factor this time. Now I just need to get them painted.
So until next time,
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