This is a Guard list I made that will use the models I have, and it will be just for fun. I will primarily use it against MEQs, but my wife will be playing the MEQs so I want it to be more of a challenge! I normally tailor my lists for anti-MEQ, but this time I am taking a more generalized and goofy list just to A) make it easier for her and B) to get a feel for the guard in the new codex while putting some of the best-looking models I have on the table.
Well, enough gabbin', I'll get to it:
1000 Point Imperial Guard
Company Command Squad-
Regimental Standard, Medic, Sniper (absolutely no reason to include him but w/e), Voxcaster, Master of Ordinance. Commander has a Powerfist.
Storm Trooper Squad-
+5 STs, 1 Grenade Launcher, 1 Plasmagun, Sergeant has Power Weapon
Veteran Squad 1-
Demolitions, Meltagun, Voxcaster
Veteran Squad 2-
Demolitions, Plasmagun, Voxcaster
Infantry Platoon-
Heavy weapons squad with mortars, 2 infantry squads with lascannons and Voxcasters, Platoon command has 1 heavy flamer, 2 flamers, 1 Voxcaster. Platoon commander has plasma pistol.
Armored Sentinel-
Camo Netting, Smoke Launchers, Autocannon, H/K Missile
TOTAL: 1000 points. (If it doesn't quite add up I cannot remember if I added Meltabombs and Krak grenades to certain units like the company command squad and platoon command squad.)
The plan:
The plan is to use the infantry platoon as a mobile base of fire for the rest of the force. The command squad stays back and fires that large ordinance blast at distant targets (I'd be using the Forward Observers stratagem in Cities of Death games) and holds together the gunline with the standard, while being able to issue orders to either squad (and reroll fails thanks to the abundance of vox's). The veterans are the mobile objective takers (or destroyers, with those demo charges), and coupled with a overly-loaded sentinel and killy storm trooper squad, should be able to knock free an objective. I figured they didn't need too much anti-tank firepower, as my wife would never field anything heavier than a predator at this point. If the need arises, however, all the veterans with meltabombs make getting near them a risky prospect. 1 commander with meltabombs- not that scary. 9 dudes with meltabombs- a little scarier. 18 dudes- ouch. The storm troopers are just general rabble rousers and meant to work in conjunction with the sentinel to distract and kill things. With carapace standard, they are the most survivable, and with the hellguns (oops, i mean hot-shot lasguns) they spit death at MEQ troops, which could be useful for blasting an objective free. The platoon command squad with flamers... well that is just silly but might be fun in a Cities of Death game. I wanted to give a flamer squad a shot but didn't feel like making a special weapons squad.
Well that is all I can talk about tonight, it's now late and I'm going to turn in. Feel free to comment on the pure silliness...
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