...Doing some laundry. While I am here (and thanks to the modern marvel of laptops and wireless internet) I thought I would post a picture of the painted infantry squad I have been working on for the last couple days. They are pretty much done and hardcoated, I just need to put a matte finish on them. (And base them of course, but as mentioned earlier I want to do that all in one go.) I can't wait to get back and start painting some of the veteran squads I have head-swapped. They should look great in this scheme. (My lame quick-photography doesn't do the scheme justice, it looks quite good in person.)
In the post today, I received some of the things I had been waiting on. Still no codex. I am starting to worry, seeing as that was the first thing I paid for and it still has not arrived, even as things I paid for mere days ago are arriving.
Today I received a 10 man stormtrooper squad. I am obviously going to need to buy a stormtrooper sergeant to make them field-able. They are the non-kaskarin (sp?) models, and I quite like them. I might paint them up similar to the inquisitional stormtroopers, so I can use them as DH stormtroopers if I so desire.
I also received cadian bits, such as torsos, legs, and extra mortar pieces. I will be constructing some special weapons teams from the bits I had left over in the battleforce box, as well as some additional mortar teams. I don't have the bipods for the mortars, but I might model them as being part of the soldiers kit, on the move, instead of in the act of firing the weapon. I'll of course mount them on the same sized base, so they are rules-legal.
Well that is it for now. Hopefully I won't have to stay and do laundry for too long before I can get back to my IG!
Everything seems to be coming along nicely on your Guard. Looking good! I will be interested to see how everything looks when the bases are completed.