Friday, June 9, 2023


 I've been away from this blog for a long time now.

Instagram was too easy. Too easy to post to. Too easy to see what others were working on, too easy to compare my painting to... too easy to get discouraged, take long breaks from the hobby, too easy to just quit altogether. 

So that's what I did for a while. I stopped participating in the hobby.

So what changed?

Well, I stumbled upon some of my ancient Battletech materials from my teenage years. It reminded me of what got me started in this hobby... some imagination, some rolling of dice, some fun! It didn't need to be "Tournament Legal" or "Tabletop Standard." It didn't even need to have miniatures... cardboard cutouts were good enough for teenager Teun. 

I didn't compare myself to anybody then because I was participating purely out of enjoyment. I grabbed Testor's enamel paints and sloshed a dirty camouflage scheme on a 'Mech, because I could! And because I wanted to!

With a new child in my life, times have changed a lot. I have a toddler to take care of again. But with some of those changes come some really fun things! Such as 3d printers. Using that technology, I get to play the game with miniatures I really love. 

My oldest son is almost grown. He grew away from playing tabletop games in favor of quick and easy video games, and I can relate. Recently, however, he took time out of his busy summer to play an introductory game of Battletech's most recent additional format: Alpha Strike. We had a blast! He is now taking command of his own company of mechs printed and painted by me.

Some things change, but some things stay the same. There is a comfort in that. 

And that is why, after so long, I am back. Maybe I'll stay, or maybe I'll quit posting again... who knows with me? But I'm doing it for me, and that will be enough.


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