Here is the first list I have created for normal games to use the Death Korps of Kremlin as a normal IG list. This has no units that would need "Opponent's Permission" aside from being non-GW models. I still plan to model them all WYSIWYG though, so everything should be hunky-dory. Ok, enough hemmin' and hawin', here's the (incredibly non-effective and fluffy) list I've drawn up:
- 5th Edition IG Roster - Death Korps of Kremlin 1750
HQ: Lord Commissar (1#, 95 pts)
1 "Lord-General Vanivar" @ 95 pts (Carapace Armour; Power Fist)
HQ: Company Command Squad (8#, 305 pts)
2 Company Command Squad @ 305 pts (Carapace Armour; Krak Grenades; Medi-pack; Vox Caster; Lord Castellan Creed; Astropath; Master of Ordnance; Officer of the Fleet)
1 Veteran Heavy Weapon Team (Missile Launcher; Carapace Armour (Based on Squad); Krak Grenades)
1 "Lt. General Borishkin" (Creed)
1 Astropath (Carapace Armour; Krak Grenades)
1 Master of Ordnance (Carapace Armour; Krak Grenades)
1 Officer of the Fleet (Carapace Armour; Krak Grenades)
: Techpriest Enginseer (3#, 135 pts)
1 Magos Biologis @ 135 pts (Servitor Unit)
2 "Cyclops" servitors (Multi-Melta x2)
: Ministorum Priest (1#, 45 pts)
1 Ministorum Priest @ 45 pts
Elite: Guardsman Marbo (1#, 65 pts)
1 Comrade Yuri @ 65 pts
Elite: Ratling Squad (3#, 30 pts)
3 Recon Snipers @ 30 pts
Elite: Storm Trooper Squad (5#, 85 pts)
4 Storm Trooper Squad @ 85 pts
1 Storm Trooper Sergeant
Troops: Veteran Squad (10#, 220 pts)
9 Veteran Squad @ 220 pts (Carapace Armour; Demolition Charge; Melta Bombs; Meltagun x3; Sergeant Bastonne; Demolitions; Grenadiers)
1 Sergeant "Boryenka" (Carapace Armour; Melta Bombs)
Troops: Infantry Platoon (49#, 495 pts)
1 Infantry Platoon @ 495 pts
4 Platoon Command Squad (Krak Grenades; Vox Caster; Flamer x3; Commander Chenkov)
1 Commander Chenkovski
9 Infantry Squad (Krak Grenades; Vox Caster; Grenade Launcher x1; Commissar)
1 Commissar (Krak Grenades)
1 Sergeant (Krak Grenades)
9 Infantry Squad (Krak Grenades; Grenade Launcher x1)
1 Sergeant (Krak Grenades)
3 Heavy Weapons Squad (Mortar x3; Krak Grenades)
20 Conscripts Squad (Send in the Next Wave)
Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship Squadron (1#, 140 pts)
1 Vendetta Gunship Squadron @ 140 pts
1 "3-Year Gambit" (Heavy Bolter Sponsons x2)
Heavy Support: Ordnance Battery (1#, 135 pts)
1 Ordnance Battery @ 135 pts
1 Medusa (Heavy Flamer)
Total Roster Cost: 1750
Created with Army Builder® - Try it for free at http://www.wolflair.com
So... any opinions on this list? I do realize it is going to suck big time, but it should be fun and fluffy to use. I love the idea of putting Chenkov in charge of a bunch of conscripts, repeatedly breaking them upon enemy positions. True-to-form human wave strategies sounds exactly how I would imagine that the Kommunist Party wages war. Sgt. Bastonne with his squad of elite troopers should be fun... they'll probably ride in the Vendetta. It'll be a high priority target, so if I put them in it and turbo-boost for the enemy lines they should get close enough to melta tanks as they crash-land... sounds like a good time. The single Medusa is all the artillery I could manage to scratchbuild, as the basilisk-chassis weapon I'm making looks more like a direct-fire weapon than an Earthshaker.
I have TONS of opportunities for orders with this army, between Creed, Bastone, and Chenkov. Hopefully fusillades of "First rank fire, second rank fire" will work as well as I hope they will. I know, I know... more heavy weapons. I'll be adding those in when I increase my army to 2000 points, but for now this will have to work until I can come up with a way to get some of those heavy weapon squads.
Looks like a good fun time. Hopefully by posting this list I have not enabled some of my regular opponents to take advantage and list-tailor! If you guys are reading this, List Tailoring Sucks!!!
Until next time,
I think you're going a little too upgrade happy on a few of these squads and it's hurting you in the long run. Let's take a look at some of these:
ReplyDeleteCreed: there's just no point for him in this particular army. There's nothing that you would want to outflank using scout that can't do it already and you don't even have enough viable orders targets to make full use of his abilities. Granted "For Cadia!" would be great on some conscripts but without Kell to provide backup they're almost never going to get it off. Sure the CLord can help with that, but attaching him to the squad and removing it will kill him as well, and it might be difficult to have him nearby at all times. Since you're probably going to want to blob squad anyway a normal company HQ should be more than enough. Also, the Astropath isn't needed enough to be in this list. The only possible reserve I can see is the Vendetta, and spending 30 pts for that just doesn't seem justified. If you want something to spend the points on, consider the Master of Ordnance. He's very inaccurate but can make hordes very nervous.
Stormtroopers- 5 stormies aren't going to be doing a whole lot. Special weapons, particularly meltas, would be great as suicidal anti-tank or anti-MEQ.
Conscripts- you need more. They cost 4 pts per pop and you have Chenkov- either take a lot or go home.
Vendetta- if you're going more for a melta taxi I would recommend a Valkyrie. Think of it this way- Vendettas are gunships that happen to be able to transport troops, Valkyries are transports that happen to have great guns.
Tech-Priest: especially since you have only two vehicles I would not take him. A unit of three without a transport will be killed pretty quick.
Suffice it to say, you're going to need one of two things to do foot guard- either more bodies or heavier guns. Cutting out some of your special character upgrades could help with this (but keep Marbo!), but if its models that's holding you back I'd probably go for a lower points level.
If you'd like some more advice, feel free to shoot me an e-mail and I can see what I can do that's still fluffy and Kommunist.
You make a lot of good points, Max. My ideal army is far from my current capability, but the reason for that is based solely on the models I have available.
ReplyDeleteAllow me to make a case for why I chose so many special characters -
L-Commissar: He is the centerpiece of my army, purely because he is an awesome model. Have you seen the Powerfist Commissar I have painted, holding the book in one hand? Priceless.
Creed: I didn't take him for his outflank ability so much as for his 24" Order range and the ability to belt the orders out faster than a CCS. This allows the CCS to stay back from the front lines (where they don't belong anyhow if they aren't melta/plasma spamming) and still maintain Order control over most of the infantry still.
Marbo: Does he really need an explanation? He is a killing machine.
Bastonne: Since I only am taking one veteran squad because of my current shortage of models, and they are likely going to be in the thick of the fighting, I thought Bastonne would help them keep together as a cohesive unit. An extra order per turn won't hurt either, especially since they'll likely be forward and out of range of the commanders.
Chenkov: He is really the only one I could do without. I really just intended to use him so my conscripts could be regenerated if they take too heavy of a beating, since I really just planned on using them for bubblewrap anyway and leaving the harder fighting to the regular Blobbed infantry. Also, he would fit in perfectly with my Soviet-themed army for his mercilessness. However, I could easily remove him and instead add in two penal legionnaire squads instead.
As for units themselves, I agree the stormtroopers are a bit unnecessary. I don't really have a plan for them, I just put them in because I had models that would be good for them and I had extra points.
The Vendetta is the only model I have left for Valks/Vends, as I sold my old IG army a while back (stupid me), so that's all I have available to put in. If I could change it back to a valk, I would, but I don't really want to cut up all that hard conversion work I did to make it a Vend.
I think you are right about the Regimental Advisers. I really won't need either the Fleet Officer or the Astropath. I have the models and just wanted to use them, but I think I'll take your advice and trim them out.
The Tech-Priest is a purely fluffy addition. I intend on having my Soviets dabbling in the nigh-heretical forms of biological and chemical warfare, and he is my Magos Biologis. The models I have for his servitors are actually Cyclopean mutants, which are just plain cool. I may add a couple extra servitors, just for ablative wounds, but I desparately need the extra melta support the servitors can provide.
So I may just go with Penal Legionnaires rather than Conscripts. I had planned on using the Conscripts as a suicide squad, but Penal Legionnaires may do the job more effectively.