Planet: Kremlin
Population: approximately 3 billion
Average Temperature (equatorial): 25 C
Average Temperature (Polar Regions): 0.5 C
Geographical Features: Primarily forested with hardy evergreen trees. Low (but not excessively so) average temperatures coupled with abundant moisture indicate a lengthy winter season, which is perpetuated with snowfall. Arctic regions consist of plains of vegetation akin to tundra growth, with little arboreal growth.
Populace: The populace of the planet is divided into two major factions, called "Parties". The Kommunist party is a collection of impoverished citizens, working for a delegated share of the party's resources. To most citizens, it sounds like a utopia- where if you do your share you can live peacefully. In reality, it is quite the opposite. The Kommunist party's military gets special treatment, with most high-ranking officers reaping benefits and luxuries that common citizens can scarcely dream of. It is in this way the Kommunist party ensures that military enlistment remains high. In addition to this, the Kommunist party also utilizes conscription to gain large quantities of expendable troops, causing quite a wide range of aptitude and ability of its military personnel. The Universalist party has since been diminished since General Vanivar's campaign, but live in the Universalist party was much the same. Now the Universalists are adept guerrilla fighters, staging supply raids and disruptive attacks from their bases in Kremlin's polar regions.
Brief History:
The world Kremlin has been separated from the Imperium for the last two centuries, but the recent discovery of the Jericho Reach Warp Gate has led to it's re-induction into the Imperial fold. During it's isolation, a brutal civil war had begun between various factions vying for planetary control, called "Parties" by the locals. This war was still ongoing over two hundred years later, when the Crusade fleet arrived in-system. In the path of the Archeros Salient, the Crusading fleet made contact with the Kommunists Party Leader, Lord-General Alexi "The Butcher" Vanivar. In exchange for equipment and aid (and the promise of supreme and undisputed rule of the planet), General Vanivar agreed to the Imperial terms of surrender and brokered the deal. However, while negotiations were underway to install General Vanivar as the supreme planetary governor, a rebellious uprising from the Universalist Party (the primary opponent of the Kommunist Party) attempted to enact a bloody coup. Luckily, with the additional military presence of the Crusaders, this rebellion was quickly quelled. Seeing the Universalists as a threat to Imperial interests, the ambassadors declared the Universalist Party as Renegade and Heretical, calling for their immediate eradication. General Vanivar shrewdly volunteered his party's considerable military assets for the job, in exchange for the latest in imperial equipment and technology. With the full backing of the Adeptus Administratum, Lord-General Alexi Vanivar led his army to war. The opposing Party was quickly crushed. However, General Vanivar had many political adversaries... even within his own party. In the guise as a reward for his swift action and deft handling of the Heretical rebels, he was appointed to be the foremost Commanding Officer in one of the first tithe of soldiers for a new regiment, due in large part to the political maneuverings of his adversaries. Unable to refuse, he formed a Regiment comprised of his closest advisers and allies, vowing to one day return to the planet that was taken from him and claim his right to rule.
The 49th Death Korps of Kremlin Regiment "the 49th Spetznaz":
Lord-General Vanivar's regiment is the cream of the crop, the veterans of generations of civil war. Skilled in close-fighting tactics, the Death Korps of Kremlin 49th Regiment is known as the "49th Spetznaz" due to their skilled efficiency. Trench Warfare was common during the Polar Campaign, in which the Kommunist party eradicated the bulk of the Universalist party. Armed with their new equipment and weapons, the Kommunist Party utilized heavy artillery to pound the enemy entrenchments and positions before launching devastating assaults. Also, the Kommunist party being the wealthier of the two major parties, they developed experimental weaponry and methods of warfare. Most famously, a member of the Magos Biologis that had remained on the planet during its isolation had been working on genetic manipulation. His "servitors" are abhuman monstrosities, created from the POWs of the party and lobotomized into complete compliance. They incorporate a chemical beam weapon into their head, creating the illusion of a single massive cyclopean eye. Utilizing this chemical beam technology, he also developed a type of siege weapon similar to the Krieg's Hades Breaching Drill, making use of the intense heat generated by the beam to open holes in defensive positions. Unable to procure newer equipment due to the regiment being relatively new, the 49th has to make do with older-pattern war machines such as the Macharius. Transport options are still limited, regulating the bulk of the regiment to line duty en masse.
Very bit of fluff dude, look forward to more reinforcements for the motherland!