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It looks awesome, making me want to break out my imperial fleet and finish painting it!
ReplyDeleteReally cool battle barge, I'm sure it will look fantastic when accompanied by the pair of strike cruisers.
ReplyDeleteExcellent looking Battle Barge, how did you find the model to work with? Mine was an utter nightmare to assemble and balance I remember.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments!
ReplyDelete@Vredesbyrd: I found it a bit difficult as well. Balance wasn't so bad, since I used a short stick to mount it to its base, but I did end up having to superglue the stem into the base to keep it stable (something I don't like to do because it makes the model harder to transport). The hardest parts were the engines and rear wings, because I had no way to prop the model in position while the epoxy hardened so I had to hold them in place for the 10 minutes or so it took to harden. This prevented me from being able to use up the epoxy that I had mixed, which really burned me. I hate wasting stuff, which is why I am such a packrat!
The prow bombardment cannons were difficult too, which is why I gave up trying to make them straight and just let them point slightly upwards. The angle I took the shot in makes it look more extreme, but in person the angle of the bombardment cannons are not that bad-looking.
Tonight is her maiden voyage, I have a game of BFG against a tyranid player (AKA, my poor wife using my scratchbuilds!) tonight after the kids nip off to bed, so I hope she lives up to my expectations! (I mean the vessel, not my wife :D )
Yeah those were the parts I struggled with. My Strike Cruisers were difficult, but being smaller were less stressful.
ReplyDeleteYou might find these useful FoxPhoenix 135 for balancing ships and reinforcing your flight rods. They sell lets of different lengths of flight rod too which are useful for BFG. I've used them on all my past fleets.
I hope she acquits herself well in battle tonight!