First up, a pair of Neo-Soviet Vanguard Veterans that I stripped down for a repaint:
Long-time followers of this blog may recognize this fellow, which is simply a Vanguard Vet I embellished with a bit of GS and guitar wire:
Next I have a classic sculpt, the Union basic infantryman that was included in the boxed set:
Now I'm digging really deep, and showing you a picture of one of the alien races... known as the Shard, they are a race of crystal-bound souls that bonded with the psychically-receptive crystal of their home planet to avoid being sucked up by the Maw. They are pissed because they used to be immortal souls in the normal universe, and now they are shackled within the prisons of their own making. They hate all fleshbound life, which is to say everyone...
This picture is old as sin... I didn't have a real camera, and took these with a crappy web came circa 2008 or so, maybe earlier. It was long before I started 40k, where I refined and developed my skill as a painter. I was really horrible at painting at the time, but I lived in blissful ignorance of my suckage. Anyway, here are a pair of Concussors, long range Shard units that use concentrated bursts of their life-force to blast away their foes:

The power armor used in Vor was vastly different from that used in 40k aesthetically, but fluff-wise it operated much the same. Being new technology, it was regulated to only the most hardcore strike units. Here is another picture from the wayback machine:

So now you have seen some of the great miniatures that were part of what made VOR so awesome. Next time, I'll go over the mechanics of the game and how they differ from that of 40k.
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