I'm sure many old Mephiston models were getting repainted in the last few weeks, and my own model was no different. I had painted him early on in my hobby career, so I now knew many techniques that I could have used to paint him better.
First, I applied sepia washes to all the gold to bring out the color and definition. Then I went to work on his cloak, highlighting up in colors that were more appropriate. When I had painted him last, I had painted his cloak Scab Red, and I thought that simply adding white to your color was how you achieved highlights. Now I know that there has to be some yellow added, otherwise it doesn't accurately simulate highlights correctly. So this time around I repainted it mechrite red, and then highlighted with first a 50/50 mix of blood red and mechrite, then a full blood red. An ogryn flesh wash tied the colors together at the end and brought out the definition in the cloak.
I wanted his inner robes to be a lighter red, so I started with blood red and used blazing orange to achieve the highlights I desired. An Ogryn flesh again tied the colors together and brought out the definition.
I also applied a wash of thrakka green to the plasma coils to bring out definition, as well as repainted all the jewels to make them brighter.
A little photoshop-fu and he was resurrected, ready to do battle!
Until next time,
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