First off, let me begin by saying that I am sorry for my recent absence! I have been trying to get more done during the day, which means my computer is getting used a lot less. The time I do spend on here is usually writing the odd list or getting references for our Dark Heresy games. I'll try to keep up with it again, but by now you probably know that I am fickle!
I've finally been trying to get a 1750 pt. "counts-as" army based on Deathwing Terminators painted up, and I'm about 1/2 way there. I was inspired to try this by two things: The sheer beauty of the Space Hulk Terminators, as well the Deathwing-based army made by Ron at From The Warp. He talks about how it suits him in this article.
Why do I think that this army-style might fit me? First off, Terminators are my favorite SM unit. They are what space marines are supposed to be, if you were going by the fluff, the few that defy the multitude and frequently still come out on top. Secondly, despite having two armies that technically are meant to be played as horde (my IG and Tyranids), I don't particularly enjoy playing horde armies. I prefer to have fewer models to transport to the gamestore, as well as less to remember on the tabletop. Lastly, this army just looks pretty if painted up properly. The Space Hulk terminators seem to scream "Use us as Deathwing because we are such handsome vampires!" They have more bling than 50 Cent!
So, between counting as Space Wolves, or Dark Angels, I figured it was less of a stretch to go for Dark Angels. At least that way I can still incorporate a lot of the vanilla Codex units like Dreadnoughts and assault squads, to keep the BA flavor.
So here's what I'm tinkering with lately:
Belial w/thunderhammer and storm shield
Librarian in Terminator Armor
Dreadnought with Multimelta
Deathwing Terminator Squad w/ Assault Cannon
Deathwing Terminator Squad w/ Assault Cannon
Deathwing Terminator Squad w/ Assault Cannon, Sgt. Chainfist
Deathwing Terminator Squad w/ Heavy Flamer, Sgt. Chainfist
Fast Attack-
Assault Squad (10 Man) w/ Sgt. Powerweapon, Sgt Combat shield
Heavy Support-
Predator w/ TL Lascannon, Pintile-mounted Stormbolter, Extra Armor
Seems a bit light on the anti-AV14 weaponry, but hopefully enough powerfists, chainfists, and even the rending assault cannons should close the gap up a bit. I need a Land Raider pretty badly, and I could use some assault terminators as well, but I don't know if I'll be able to pull those together any time soon. My buddy might be able to pull me together a land raider, if I trade him enough of my other stuff. We'll have to see about that though!
Well, feel free to discuss. What kind of problems will I face with a list like this? What are its strengths? What kind of strategies have you seen work for this kind of army?
Ah a fellow Winger.
ReplyDeleteHere's my 2 cents, as I to run a full DW army. Belial, I run Lightning clawws or the power sword and bolter. The Hammer puts you at init.1 and you want Bel swingin first and hard. I know alot of ppl play him with the LC's. What are you using the Librarian for? I'm asking this as a question not like why are you doing that. I haven't been able to find a use for a librarian in the Angel dex, but hopefully with a new one we get a good psycher option. Just curious as to what your gonna do with him.
The dreads, cool. As for oyur terms. You could drop a cannon in one squad make it an assault squad with LC's as we do not get the cool new marine codex bene's from the TH/SS and violatheres a assault unit and you free up some points to put double chainfists in the other units. theres more chance of armor pen (unless you face necrons. Stupid living metal.) The fast attack unit is fine I run one too, it's nice to have them pop in and contest or sneak behind and assault. Why the combat shield? I'd try throwing in a plasma pistol maybe for another rear armor shot. I've taken out a few dreads in tourny's with a assault squad plasma pistol shot to the rear. I see what your going for with the pred. but since i don't have my dex with me I can't check points, i'd say maybe drop that for some bikes or a dev squad with lascans and multi melts. split em and theres 2 variable shooty armor piercing options. Thats Just my thoughts but I see what the pred is for, Just know it's got a huge target on it right off the bat as it will most likely be on the table alone if you end up going second.
As for what you will face.
The dread and predator will have targets on em immediately. Expect them to get shot at, which is good it gives the Terms a chance to pop stuff. Troop wise you can't really go for objectives with your terms because there your meat and are out to kill things. Problem is they stand for a round when they arrive and depending on reserve rolls you may only have 2 units of em out for 2 to 3 rounds. They are gonna be foot slogging, so fast armies will be a problem. Since were only 5 man strong term units we gotta hope for the saves. But the boys can stand up to alot. The good thing is You get them into combat and short of power weapons and powerfist/claws and a few other things. they are destroying whatever they come against. But with a small amount of units you gotta watch em and play smart. I got tabled by orcs cause I just couldnt handle the mass of em with 5 squads of terms.
Looks like you've got a rounded list though. There's places you can pinch and pull to get points. Have you thought of a term chaplain with belial and a C/C term unit? Or dropping the pred and the librarian and trying to get a LRC in there? Just my thoughts, take em as you will. Sorry if this got long, I really get into the Deathwing, hopefully we get a new codex soon and get updated to the new editions.