Last night I posted a list I was contemplating running for my new concept of "Baalwing", a take on the Deathwing style of lists.
This morning, however, I got my hands on a copy of the Space Wolves codex and was making a few comparisons:
I can get more points for my models with the SW codex. This is good from a money standpoint, because my son's B-day is coming up and I don't need to go spending more money on models.
Furthermore, the characters in the SW codex are more heroic, and many of them have Eternal Warrior special rule. I think this fits my vision for a 1st company list: more heroes that fight the multitudes.
Also, the Psykers for SW have access to much better powers. The librarian for a DeathWing army has only two psychic powers, where a Rune Priest has a choice of many more powers.
The Terminator squad can be larger, the squads more modifiable, and thus more resilient.
I'm thinking of running a Heroic version of the list that looks something like this: (less models, more heroic characters)
Rune Priest
--Living Lightning and Jaws of the World Wolf
10 Wolfguard in Terminator armor
--2 Assault cannons, 9 Powerfists
5 Wolfguard in Terminator armor
--Upgrade 1 to Arjac Rockfist, 3 Powerfists, 1 Chainfist, Assault Cannon
5 Wolfguard in Terminator armor
--4 Powerfists, Leader has Chainfist, H. Flamer
Dreadnought w/ MM
Predator with TL Lascannon
1750 Points
Of course, I will give everything fluffy names and such, but the rules and points values will be identical to the SW versions. This list does not have the support of a fast attack Assault squad, but I think the benefit of the harder special characters will make up for it.
What do you think? I got some good comments on Deathwing lists, but what about terminator Space Puppy lists? Do the benefits of the harder special characters and better psychic powers outweigh the costs of loosing the mobile Assault squad?
Have at it, generals.
My new 1500 point list will have 10 infantry models, two tanks and one dread. By switching to SW, I lose a dread from my list but I feel like I'm able to do so much more with what I do have.
ReplyDeleteAnd you're right, they do seem a bit more heroic.