So, here is the write-up of my first Vor game in well over a year! I was a bit rusty with the rules, but it comes back to me quickly. Luckily I haven't been away long enough to get brainwashed by 40k rules! However, I do find myself comparing the two frequently.
So, my opponent was my willing wife Leona! Here's her "game face":
For the game type, we picked Skirmish at 750 points. Points in Vor and 40k are fairly similar, being anywhere from 5-40 points for most basic infantry, 200 for a tank, or especially powerful special characters. The difference is the length of time: since Vor is more tactical than 40k, a 750 PV game takes roughly the same amount of time to play as a 1500 pt. 40k game. A skirmish helped cut down on the time needed to play, because the game ends immediately when one of the players is reduced to below 50% force value in models left on the board. We expected it to last for somewhere around 5-7 turns.
This is what our deployment looked like:
Those wedges are her Pharon, the lines to the south behind the buildings are my Union. In the bottom right corner you can see my Ares Assault Suit.
- Leona won the initiative and went first. She activated the unit of Fists of Anubis and their Noble, on the left, and moved them their full MP.
- I moved my Armored Assault Squad (bottom left in picture) and fired x2, killing 1/5 Fists of Anubis from the left squad.
- Leona next activated her Warlord of Anubis, firing its Reaver Cannon, blowing up 2 of the AAS.
- 1st Squad (on left) used the "Move it! Move it! Move it!" order to dash from the back of the rear building to the back of the center building.
- The Fists of Anubis squad on the right moved their full MP, without shooting.
- 2nd Squad (on right) used the "Move it!Move it!Move it!" order to dash to 1st Squad's position, also taking cover behind the large building.
- Leona's Hierophant cast its Soul Web, succeeding, then moved.
- The Ares Assault Suit fired its Quad missile launcher, killing 4/5 Fists of Anubis from the right squad in the apocalyptic blast. The last surviving Fist was pitched to the ground. The Ares APE failed to do any damage. Miraculously, the squad passed the GUT check, due to the Noble's special rule allowing the squad to use his GUT statistic.
On to turn 2:
- I won the initiative roll for the turn. My first activation was the Armored Assault Squad, who moved to the cover of the ruin, and shot on the way. They failed to inflict any damage though.
- The Fists of Anubis on the left continued their lumbering run towards the building, deciding shooting wouldn't yield results.
- 1st Squad popped out from around the corner of the large building, and killed 3/4 of the Fists of Anubis on the right! Good shooting! The lone survivor passed his GUT check (again thanks to the noble).
- The Warlord shot his Reaver at 1st Squad now that they were in LOS, but the shot missed due to the cover and scattered away harmlessly.
- 2nd Squad shot and killed the last remaining Fist of Anubis on the right, but failed to wound the mighty Noble. His armor was just too strong!
- The noble moved closer and shot his Fist of Osiris at the 2nd squad, but the low-powered explosives failed to inflict any casualties.
- The Ares misses with his Quad missile launcher, scattering far out of the way. He did, however, mow down the Noble with his APE, rolling one critical hit and two regular. The critical hit did damage, as did one of the regular rolls.
- Leona's Hierophant summons the courage to cast "The Purging", blasting 1 grunt and 1 LIF from the Sgt. The dead trooper rises as a slave due to soul web, and after a brief consultation to the rules and the FAQ we can't find anything preventing the raised model from activating the same turn. So, she the undead trooper as her next activation. It guns down the next trooper up the line, and he was risen with Soul Web too! He in turn guns down the Sgt., who also Rises! What is going on here? The Sgt. fails to kill anybody though, ending the chain.
MMM.... BRAINS!!! The units with the masking tape on them had been raised.
On to turn 3:
- I again won the initiative for the turn. I activated my Ares first, and let loose with all I had on the Hierophant to end the Soul Web (although I later realized the web would still have been in effect even if the Hierophant was killed). My devestating salvo of rockets and APE rounds ended the undead enchanter's unnatural life, immediately ending the game in a Solid Victory for the Union! The Pharon suffer a Solid Defeat!
Total Casualties:
Union: 2 AAS, 2 Std. Troopers, 1 Sgt. for a total of 139 PV
Pharon: 10 Fists of Anubis, 1 Noble, and 1 Hierophant, for a total of 490 PV
Hmmmm, makes me want to play again. I haven't played Vor in well over a year now.
ReplyDeleteBobbicus from Bioplazm here.
ReplyDeleteNice blog! Always warms the cockles of my heart to see a Vor batrep. Gotta love the cheesy pharon - that string of recently un-deaded standards mowing down their comrades was hilarious. On the one hand - horribly broken. On the other, it's these outrageous moments that totally make Vor the game it is.