First up: A DH Character for my wife: an Adeptus Arbites. Armed with special shotgun I made from a SM Scouts shotgun and a Lasgun, with the handgrip of a bolter, as pictured below.
Next up is my Creed kitbash, which finally got painted. See the below pic:
I made a minor modification to my own DH character, swapping out the plasma pistol for a blade:
Finally, I liberated a Leman Russ from an Ork player. It is in pretty rough shape, but I am piecing it back together. It will match my other Russ, excepting the lack of sponsons, as I have already installed the barrel dowel:
Ok, for those of you who were wondering, the store owner is supposedly posting the Battle Report but I'll give you a summary:
My Sons of Baal did not fare as well as I had hoped against the green tide. In our planetstrike game, there were five bastions to defend, which I placed none-too-strategically upon the table top. I had a couple of tactics which made sense in my head, but didn't translate to the table top. First off: I started a lot of terminators in reserve, and deep-struck them in to avoid the initial Firestorm barrage. In reality, the barrage was not that effective, so I don't quite know what I was so afraid of, and could have deployed normally without too much risk.
Secondly, I didn't read through the rules of the stratagems I chose thoroughly enough. For example, I didn't realize that void shields don't protect units on the roof of the bastion. I also didn't notice a detail about the Krak Attack that could have substantially changed the game: once declared, EVERY hostile unit that deepstrikes gets hit by them until the end of the game. I didn't deploy this stratagem until about midway through, when there were only 2 units left to deepstrike on his force. I also cratered a deepstriking unit of terminators with an attached terminator captain into a wall, losing about 360 points to dice fail. My predator annihilator saw a lot of action, destroying 2 vehicles in as many turns.
After playing several different armies, I definitely need to decide what play styles I prefer most. It may be time to cut out armies I have never really had luck with, like marines, in order to make room for expanding my favorite armies, like Guard.
Until next time,
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