Monday, January 25, 2010

907th Reinforcements and a Naming Contest: AKA best Anniversary Gift, EVER!

Tomorrow is my wife and I's 3rd year wedding anniversary, and we got each other gifts, naturally. I was quite astounded when I opened up a brand new valkyrie kit, complete with a bottle of Testors Model Master cement with the precision applicator.

I spent all last night (until 2 AM or so) putting it together, and I am nearly finished. All that is left is the canopy, which I am waiting until after painting the interior to finish attaching.

The kit is quite large, and I am impressed with most of it, but there is one feature that bugs me. For the heavy bolter sponsons, they are attached to their rotation mount by only a small linkage arm. This has to be glued to the rotating shaft, and this bond does not hold up well to the shearing force applied when twisting the mount.

My solution: I simply affixed two heavy bolter tripods from heavy weapon squads to the floor near the doors, allowing them to rotate in so the doors can slide shut. This provides a stable platform for the heavy bolter, and still allows the doors to shut.

Ok, now for your part. I need to name this Valk, and I will append the named-unit roster on the previous post. To do this, I am holding a contest. For one week only, I will take all suggested names and put them into a list. At the end of this week (Feb 1st) I will stop taking new names, and put my top 10 picks of the collected names into a poll. That poll will run for another week, and at the end of that week the name with the most votes will be the winner! Please note that I am poor, and have no prizes to give you, but I can give kudos, mad props, and a imaginary cookie!

Until the poll is complete, I will continue to post updates as I get this vehicle painted.

So until next time,


  1. fantastic paint job in the other post above this!

    name: 3 Year Gambit

  2. Thanks! 3 year gambit? Is that how long until the next IG codex comes out? :P

  3. I also like the idea of referencing the Valkyrie as an anniversary gift, since that is a pretty fantastic thing for your wife to have done. (I assume that's the idea behind "3 Year Gambit"). I was thinking something that incorporates your wife's name, like "(Wife's name)'s Folly" or even just "(Wife's name)'s Gift." I can imagine though that might not be GrimDarkFuture enough for you....

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