I decided that I want to have a Termy Chappy. Therefore, I spent a couple days browsing around on the internets to find the neccessary bits to compliment the ones I already had. This is what I ordered:
-Chaos Terminator Lord Body and Legs
-Black Templar Terminator Shoulder Pads (a lot cheaper than regular termy pads for some reason)
-Terminator Misc. Bits (all the little stuff not neccessary to a termy build like heraldry shields and the like)
-Extra Heraldry Shields
I already had the arms, and I just used an unhelmeted head.
For the whacking stick, I spliced up the Homing Beacon that came with the bits and used the light as the shaft, and then I just stuck a large winged icon on the top to make the head. I reinforced it by gluing scroll cases from the shaft to the hand, making the bond tighter. These got glued to a powersword hand with the blade lopped off.
For the legs, I filed off the totem-looking thing on the left leg, and then filed down a heraldry shield too, and stuck it on the leg. I glued on groin protection, and filed down the chest iconography. I stuck another plate that came from the bits onto this filed down spot.
Now all I need to do is file down some of the edges and mold lines, and it will be ready for painting! (Not to mention the Dark Angel markings on the storm bolter....
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