Tuesday, November 15, 2016

ChowHammer 2016 - Carnage for Charity (Round 3 Report)

PART 3: Tau vs. Iron Hands at the Pagan Idol

For my last game, I was matched up against a fluff/narrative list of Tau that included an Ethereal, Fire Warriors, Breachers, Crisis Suits, Hammerheads, and some bigger suits that I don't recall the names of!

The mission was a modified Relic mission, with a strange figure moving about randomly on the battlefield. The Relic was actually a sentient being of great malevolence, attempting to steal the Cornucopia of Life. To hold it, you had to pass successful Strength and Initiative checks to lock it down.

I didn't get as many pictures during this round, as it was getting late and we were playing as quickly as possible.

Basically though, I deployed very aggressively and took the first turn, tearing the turret off of one of the Hammerheads before he had a chance to shoot with it by weight of combined fire from the razorbacks. I marched up with my plasma command squad, tearing into the Crisis suits. My Grav-Cents locked down the left side of the board, and my Dreads went straight up the middle.

Very quickly it started going pretty unfortunately for my opponent. He's a good guy, new to the hobby, but he grasps the rules very well and was refreshing to play against. I felt a little guilty having such a competitive list against his somewhat narrative list, but I suppose in a competitive setting my list was probably not the most competitive one he saw today.

He conceded in turn 4, after I had wiped most of his units. I held the Relic with my Dreadnought, but he scored a morale victory for himself by destroying my Contemptor (which was unscathed thus far) with a lucky shot from the big mechabot in the rear (yeah I know, I don't play Tau enough).

The rest of the evening, I roamed around looking at other people's models. I didn't happen to get any pictures, but luckily the shop owner did, and put them on the store's Facebook page: Here:

For posterity, I'll repost some of my favorites here- 

Warhound Titan



Tau suit of some kind or other

Another shot of the Ork superheavy bomber

So I didn't win any of the main prizes. Our local group doesn't usually do painting prizes, which I was kind of disappointed with, considering that I spent the week preceding the event working furiously to paint and base enough units to field a fully-painted army.

However, for winning the Round 3 match, all winners of their 3rd round got a special prize for their effort and for sticking it out until the end...

The Bearer of the Cornucopia, now tribute to my victory over the Tau.

I am currently Bronzing the prize, and will be keeping it as my first trophy since playing Iron Hands :P

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