Tuesday, March 29, 2016

What's On My Table: 3/29/2016

After suffering a series of pretty humiliating defeats, my Black Legion have disappeared back into the Eye of Terror... for now. In other words, I tabled them for the time being, as they were just not fun to play for me anymore. In the mean time, I am working on my Dark Angels again. I finished up my Company Master with power sword effects, lightened up his cloak, and based him (finally!) So he is now a great example of my work if I apply myself.

I also worked on getting the scheme for Deathwing down. Still have some details to go, but for the most part this terminator is completed and looks great using the 3 foot rule! The bone color is very rich and I am very satisfied with it.

Also this week, the Little General and I played his very first game of 40k! I had gotten him a Tau "Get Started" set for his birthday, and spent all of spring break assembling it for him. (I wanted him to do it but he insisted that I do it since sharp objects were involved). Since he wasn't playing Khorne and no blood sacrifice was needed from him to consecrate his army, I caved and built them myself. When I finished, I got out my old board and we had a decent 750 point game (I had cobbled together a unit of pathfinders from old catachan bits mixed with tau fire warrior leftovers).

I only made him cry once, when I Doombolted his Crisis Suit Commander with my Sorcerer. It was a good lesson on taking losses graciously :P

He did end up winning in the end, 9 points to my 3. Sure, I may have not played as hard as I normally would have, for my first game, but it was still fun and we both enjoyed ourselves. So quality time with my son is a win in my book, no matter the result of the game.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

On My Table: 3/20/2016

So first on my table is a daemon that I have decided would be an adequate proxy for a Daemon Prince. Since he was absolutely nude, I decided he needed some form of armor... enough to be considered to have Warpforged Armor but little enough that I can run him without it too. I am not the best at using greenstuff (in this case ProCreate), so the straps are a little thick but I think I managed well enough for my lackluster sculpting skills.

I figured the best use of a Daemon Prince in my CSM army is to keep him cheap, and to use him for Malefic summoning without having to worry about perils on doubles. I did throw some form of mace in his hand in case I decide to use a Black Mace in his build.

The Lil General got to work on his own army. Although he didn't like the building part (he found removing mold lines too tedious) he really enjoyed being able to paint his first model, the Ethereal. I am coaching him the best I know how, and for an 8 year old his work is coming out fantastic! I will be throwing up pictures when he is further along.

Aside from that, we are just taking some time off of games this week while I get some things sorted in my personal life. Now with that out of the way, I'll be back down at MJ's soon to try and get the hang of my new summoning CSM list...

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Local Blogger Feature: The Glacial Geek (Youtube Channel)

Phil is a friendly guy from the next town over, and he runs a great youtube channel called TheGlacialGeek. He mostly does battle reports that his army (Dark Angels) participate in. The variety of opponents he has is great, and he takes on just about every army there is to play in 40k. His demeanor is great, absolutely the most sporting fellow I've seen.

The quality of the videos over at TheGlacialGeek are top notch. He films in 1080 resolution, which is perfect for viewing the beautifully painted armies of both Phil and his opponents. He edits out the more mundane parts, such as looking up rules and settling queries, as well as most of the movement phases. This leaves the best part... rolling dice and killing stuff!

My favorite portion is the part in every battle report in which Phil showcases each unit in his army, and each unit in his opponent's army. This gives us a chance to appreciate all the hard work that went into modeling and painting those units, and in 1080 resolution, they look fantastic!

Keep up the good work Phil, definitely gives us something to look forward to on Mondays!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Pre-game Report: I'm fething tired

Ever pull an all-nighter to work on your models before a big event? So today is my 40k Escalation tournament that I've been looking forward to. I haven't been to a tournament in literally years, not since 5th edition at least, and I am relishing the idea of getting back into the mix.

Having a painted army is a big part of my motivation to get my stuff done. I like to have every piece I am taking painted to a minimum standard of quality. Today, that will not be the case. I spent too much time fooling around over the last two weeks to get as much done as I wanted to have done. However, I have most of my army painted to a 3 color minimum, so I suppose it is at least "tournament-legal" even if it is not to my personal standard.

In other news, the "Little General" got his birthday present a week early last night, for being such a good sport at a long practice game I had. He was pretty excited, in case that wasn't evident by the look on his face. I knew he'd like mecha suits ;)

Thursday, March 10, 2016

What's On My Table: 03/10/2016

So a lot of things going on for me this week. I have a practice game tomorrow, in preparation for this weekend. On Saturday, I plan on attending my first tournament since 5th edition... a 40k Escalation tournament (in which we gradually increase the points limits over the rounds). First and foremost in my list is my CSM lord with a "jump pack" which I made sure to be fully painted and ready to go. You may recognize him, though I used some new colors to brush up his paint job and bring him into line with other models I have painted more recently!

Next up is my Forgefiend. Being one of the only models I have that can provide me with any sort of anti-aircraft cover outside of Bloodthirsters, I put this guy in every level of the list (also because we have to... we are required to take the same units in the 1850 list as we did during the 1250 list. And the 1250 list must contain units chosen in the 750 list... and the Forgefiend was an early take for me.)

He's coming along nicely, much better than the giant lump of red plastic he was before today. Still a long way to go on that one, but he's tournament legal already with a 3-color standard.

Third for today, and probably the biggest undertaking, I have somewhere around 30 cultists being made table-top ready. Ideally, I want them to match the previous batch of 10 I completed, but that was years ago and I have a different set of paints now. I will try to replicate it as close as I can, and bring the other unit to match with the new colors if I have time.

I was going to post the lists I planned on taking to the tournament, but I think I'll wait and do more of an "After Action Report" type summary, and I'll include it there. This is the last time I am likely to update before Saturday, as I have a lot of painting to do so that my force is up to minimum standards! I don't even know if there is a standard of painting at this tournament, but I'll be darn sure to exceed it. Call it a personal challenge.


Saturday, March 5, 2016

On My Table: 03/05/2016

On my table lately, I've just been trying to find a scheme I like for the Juggernauts in the Bloodcrusher unit. I finally settled on this one, as the bronze/gunmetal contrasts nicely with the bright red of the Bloodletter riding it! This is a WIP still, have some washes to do, but the unit definitely pops on the battlefield so I am pretty happy with it.

Speaking of battlefields... Finally won a Maelstrom game with my Daemonkin! It was a narrow margin of victory (7 points to my opponent's 6) but I finally feel like I am starting to get a decent grasp on how the army handles. I also have started moving away from what internet lists tell me to do, which helps since internet lists are not my local meta!

For example... internet wisdom says that Forgefiends are not a viable unit for the codex. I disagree... my Forgefiend has been a reliable source of S8 shooting that my army badly needs. Could I do the same with Heldrakes? Sure, but I'd be cutting 4 of my S8 shots out for a unit that costs approximately the same points, and has to remain zooming to be any more resilient. The Forgefiend already has a 5+ Daemon save so the extra autocannon is worth it to me. I can pretty reliably strip 2 HP or more off a AV12 vehicle with it each turn, which is very valuable. It has become a valuable anchor to my rear lines.

Anyway, I'm on a tangent. I should be getting a lot done in the next few weeks, as I have a tournament coming up on March 12 that I want my models to be completed for.

As if I could get any paler!


Friday, March 4, 2016

Local Blogger Feature: Warhammer 39,999

For today's Local Blogger Feature, we have Warhammer 39,999, a venerable and long-standing blog that has been around for nearly as long as mine (though Rob, the owner of Warhammer 39,999, did a much better job of keeping his updated!) and I have been a long time fan.

From Rob's "About Me" page:

-"I started 40k back in ’92, when I was in high school.  All of my friends were already into it, and I was stuck on AD&D skirmishes.  I just couldn’t make the leap to warhammer because my passion at the time was goblins, and GW’s variant were so darned goofy looking.  Ironically now, those classic goofy looking models are dear to my heart, and I can’t believe they’ve made their greenskins evil and scary.
That aside, my miniature wargaming career has mostly been true to Games Workshop, and more specifically 40k.  Though I’ve dabled in Warhammer Quest, Necromunda, Man-o-War and Warhammer, only 40k has stuck around through the years. 
I’ve played virtually every available army except for Tau, & Necrons (oh, and Dark Eldar–sort of).  The time my army switching was in full-swing was 2nd edition, so it’s logical that the armies that didn’t exist at that time are the ones I’ve never played.  A more detailed approximation of the armies I actually have owned can be found here.
As of right now, I own a few armies, and one day I plan to create army pages for each.  Right now, they’ll have to settle for a bulletized list:
  • Chaos Renegades / Lost & the Damned
  • Eldar (Biel-Tan / Exodites)
  • Imperial Guard
  • Ultramarines
  • Tyranids
Having basically played the gambit, my fascination for unstoppable armies has waned.  Now, I’m more interested in using units that are more “balanced,” even going so far as to play units that are largely thought of as “inferior,” in hopes that I can find some tactical advantage to them.  Largely, I fail at this, but I have fun doing so–and that’s ultimately why I play the game.  Truth be told though, I often enjoy talking about the game as much (or more) than playing it…"
His posts cover the entire hobby, so his page is definitely worth following. Thanks for all the hard work, Rob!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

New Feature! Local Blogger Feature: The Arctic Warlord

What started as a simple request for local wargaming blogs to follow has turned into a pretty good idea for a regular feature. So I decided to do a new preview for each of the local blogs that I start following, to help spread the blogging love!

 runs the blog, and is a local player in Alaska. His blog has a simple but pleasing design, not hard to read at all! I enjoyed his multiple battle reports and pictures of games in progress. Apparently he is also a highly competitive player and participates in many local tournaments and competitions, from what I hear!

Give his blog a read, and maybe leave a comment so he is inspired to write more articles. Maybe some tactical insight or editorials?



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Adeptus Astartes, Blood Angels, Bloodquest, Cadian, Catachan, the Chaos devices, Cityfight, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, Codex, Daemonhunters, Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, 'Eavy Metal, Eldar, Eldar symbol devices, Eye of Terror, Fire Warrior, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Genestealer, Golden Demon, Gorkamorka, Great Unclean One, Inquisitor, the Inquisitor logo, the Inquisitor device, Inquisitor:Conspiracies, Keeper of Secrets, Khorne, Kroot, Lord of Change, Necron, Nurgle, Ork, Ork skull devices, Sisters of Battle, Slaanesh, Space Hulk, Space Marine, Space Marine chapters, Space Marine chapter logos, Tau, the Tau caste designations, Tyranid, Tyrannid, Tzeentch, Ultramarines, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k Device, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either ®, TM and/or © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2016, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

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