Saturday, August 28, 2010

Vote for Pedro (Or for Me)!

A while back, some of you may remember a scratch-built BFG ship I made: the Tyranid Hive Ship that can be seen Here.

Well, after months of waiting, the GothiComp Painting and Modeling competition has kicked off. It is done on their forums, where you can see the "heats" of contestants and vote for them via the forum's polling system. My entry is in Heat 5, so if you would like to see this model win then go to the link below and register on the forum so you can vote! I appreciate any support my followers can give!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Ever have one of those months where nothing goes how you expected?

Recently, my local gaming store has been going through a lot of changes. Players I came to look forward to gaming with have left for real-life reasons; some leaving state, getting jobs, etc. I myself don't play 40k as much (read: at all) due to time restraints and cost issues.

To make matters worse, some investment problems mean that the "local" store is moving locations for a second time. The last time they moved, it was nearly a whole month before they were open and operational again, and I have less hope for them this time around. Even if they do reopen, it is quite a drive to Palmer from my house, and since my children are getting older (but not old enough to be in school) I have less free time to do those sorts of things. Since they are having investor problems, it is also likely they will raise the cover price for entrance (it was previously 1 dollar for all-day access to game tables). If that happens, I really will not be able to go there anymore due to its cost.

While I'm on a rant: the last few times I went, I had trouble finding games. People in the area have been on a Magic TGC fad lately, meaning that nobody is lugging in their armies for 40k. When I drive for an hour to the store with the intent of playing a game of 40k, it is pretty disappointing to sit on the sidelines of a Magic event planned for the day.

So if you can't beat them, join them, right? Wrong. I picked up Magic hoping to get in a game of SOMETHING for my trouble of driving all the way over there. After a few games, it seems like I am on the tail end of the fad on its way out. Now, everybody asks me "Wanna play 40k?" when all I brought were cards.

Sometimes you just can't win.

So, I've been playing a lot of Xbox live, and staying at home instead. I've packed away my painting supplies, and all my gaming supplies as well. My house is too small, and my young toddlers too active, to justify keeping all that stuff out anymore.

Ever have anything happen that just killed the hobby for you? How did you revive your interest in it?


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