I have a TON of projects going, and I thought I would show you just how much I have sitting on my table at the moment. I am only mentioning the active projects I have going, not the ones I decided to neglect!
Going in order of the photos-
Assault Squad: Painted, needs basing.
Random Infantry: Special weapons, sergeants, and the odd occasional trooper. Painted, needs basing.
Objective Markers: Assembled, most need priming, painting and Basing.
Bike Squads: 5 Left to assemble, 2 meltaguns, 2 sergeants, 1 captain, and 5 regular bikers already assembled. A few are primed, but most are not. One has a partial paint test completed, but needs finishing. They will not need basing, but the bases will need painted.
Command Squad: Champion is painted, the others need painted. All need basing.
Additional Terminators for standard Terminator Squad: A few are primed, all need painted and based.
Mephiston: Painted, needs basing.
Chaplain: Painted, needs basing.
Terminator Chaplain: Primed, ready for painting and basing.
Tactical Squad: Primed, ready for painting and basing.
Various commander models: Need painting and basing.
AoBR Tactical Squad: Assembled, needs the works!
AoBR Dreadnought: Assembled, needs the works!
AoBR Ork Boyz: 40 Assembled, needs the works!
AoBR Ork Nobz: 10 Assembled, needs the works!
AoBR Deffkoptas: 6 Assembled, needs the works!
AoBR Ork Warboss: Assembled, needs the works!
I have more stuff in the terrain modeling department, but I am working on a tutorial for some of those so I'll share those later. For now, I'm just going to take a minute to appreciate the work load I have ahead of me!
I apologize for the inconsistency of the updates. I really am going to try to get it together and get some more regular updates, especially on the weekends. Thanks for sticking through it!
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