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Always great to see another Blood Angels player. Nice army! Reminds me that I need to post my army list on my blog.
ReplyDeleteA nice list, but there are some weak points in it. If you drop the Plasma Pistols, the captain's Wargear, and take a regular dread, you can take a whole other squad, maybe a command squad for your captain... Also, why do you have a powerfist in a Devestator squad? aren't they supposed to be shooting? you have more than 250 fluff points in the list:
Chapter Master: 115 PV
Power Weapon
Tactical Squad 1: 180 PV
10 SM, Melta, Missile Launcher, Chainsword, Melta bombs
Tactical Squad 2: 175 PV
10 SM, Flamer, Missile Launcher, Chainsword, Meltabombs,
Tactical Squad 3: 175 PV
10 SM, Flamer, Missile Launcher, Chainsword, Meltabombs,
Std. Terminator Squad: 200 PV
Dreadnought: 105 PV
Devestator Squad: 205 PV
2 Lascannon, 2 Plasma Cannon,
Rhino: 35 PV
Extra Armor
=1190, and then add in some more squads. Your army will play roughly the same, without any problems. The dread will die more easily, and if the captain is on his own, he is dead anyway.... Your termies are fine without homers, you only need them for Vanguard. There is no point putting close range stuff in a dev squad, and the rhino should not cost 70 points. Instead get a razorback....
If you have any questions, email me at