Monday, September 20, 2010

Camera Woes

You're probably wondering why I have been posting horribly erratically lately. Well, that can be summed up in a few short paragraphs:

1) I began playing Magic The Gathering. I know, I know... it is like an act of treason for a seasoned miniatures vet like myself, but my wife and I can play it regularly (meaning I don't have to depend on friends being available for a game of 40k).

2) My camera broke. It's kind of hard to do new tutorials, show off my painting or recent modeling projects, etc with a busted camera. The SD card no longer works in it properly, so I'll have to replace it.

3) I put away all my gaming stuff (except for cards) into the loft. That includes my painting and modeling supplies. Thus, I haven't been getting much done lately.

However, do not fear. I have recently gotten my grubby fingers on some new BFG ships.

Also, just today in fact, I got my hands on a Hasslefree miniature by the name of Sadie, which is a very classy and tasteful female model (for my wife to use in an upcoming zombie apocalypse campaign I'm building for GURPS). I will be retrieving some of my painting supplies to give this model a go.

With Christmas coming up, maybe I'll get a new camera, if I'm lucky. Until then, I'll try to take some pictures with the webcam or something.

Until next time,

Friday, September 3, 2010

Cleaning Up Some Stuff

I noticed that for BFG - Specific posts, my labels were not really in-sync. So, I went back and re-labeled all the BFG posts. Now you can find them easier! I still love this post, as it was my first video post ever:

I've been trying to re-acquire some Chaos ships (the old ones I sold to get some money to pay the bills, see them above) to use for BFG, since the Gothicomp has rekindled my interest in the Specialist Game. I have played at least 3 games in the past week, and am enjoying it, but I realize my collection has been lacking. I have some beautiful Chaos ships, but they are only Grand Cruiser and larger, so I've used some money I earned selling stuff on ebay to acquire some more Chaos Cruisers so that I may one day field a Chaos Fleet again.

I have packed all my hobby/painting supplies in the attic, but when the new ships arrive I will certainly pull all of them down to do these ships justice.

Soon I will be making a poll- I have to choose a color scheme for this fleet. I plan on using mostly Nurgle-esqe marks and such for these ships, but I also think I should leave myself open for other marks of chaos.

So, the question being; Should I paint them Nurgle, Black Legion, or other CSM undivided/undeclared?

Until next time,


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