Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Notable Personas in the 907th

(Shown here: Lord Commissar Mortez Brieger)

A massive undertaking is going to be made to base all my Imperial Guardsmen. When I was pondering this, I thought to myself: Wouldn't it be fun to give names to all the important models, so I could more accurately recount their exploits? For example, The Sergeant Callus character I mentioned in my fluff (a few posts ago) is somebody I want to be important. Therefore, he'll be the sergeant to my Melta-vet squad, from the veterans of 1st Platoon! (I kind of stole the mentality that the 1st of anything -companies, platoons, squads- would have the most experienced members in it.)

I have seen it done, where a simple label is painted onto the front of the base, and the name is written on with a scribe pen. I think this would really add flavor and character to my army, and possibly win me brownie points at the upcoming tournament. Time permitting, I suppose I could even name each individual Guardsman, but that is a pretty daunting task. Big thanks to Ordo Malleus for their 40k name generator, it saved me a bunch of time!

Notable Personas in the 907th Alascadian Regiment:
F Company

Company Command Platoon- (Fox Lead)
Captain Lynth Ulysius
1st Sergeant Jercen Crassal
Chief Medic Alac Rolis
Senior Communications Officer Walthren Maltos
Lord Commissar Mortez Brieger

1st Platoon- (Nightstalkers)

1st Lieutenant Ludevicus Roan
Sergeant First Class Rule Stahlmann
Staff Sergeant Magnentius Freelon
Staff Sergeant Aquila Leavigne
Staff Sergeant Arthun Callus
Staff Sergeant Malloc Valance

2nd Platoon- (Spearhead)
2nd Lieutenant Torndan Caeditz
Staff Sergeant Viriniul Leversee
Sergeant Keyes Delveechio
Sergeant Antenor Crawn
Sergeant Pontius Hansteen
Sergeant Doric Perie

3rd Platoon (Solitaire)

2nd Lieutenant Vardis Hinely
Staff Sergeant Uriah Brieger
Sergeant Amnito Krivanec
Sergeant Julo Bringas
Sergeant Gothicus Ferracioli
Sergeant Trajan Blanquart

4th Platoon (Raider)
2nd Lieutenant Vlad Albor
Staff Sergeant Pacatianus Desparrois
Sergeant Helios Dorvillier
Sergeant Augustus Kent
Sergeant Sid Matsoukas
Sergeant Cratos Balsis

5th Platoon (Worthan's Own)

2nd Lieutenant Gorden Worthan
Staff Sergeant Unik Vorwitz
Sergeant Poshal Westmike
Sergeant Haust Forake
Sergeant Ignace Bellumn
Sergeant Welshen Yupic

6th Platoon (The Twenty-Minuters)

2nd Lieutenant Truent Bondsal
Sergeant Luek Shantal
Corporal Forcus Westim
Corporal Spritas Creame
Corporal Horatias Illiquas
Corporal Istan Qu'Alsha
Corporal Kaeem Sowal
Corporal Meshal Jozen
Corporal Fres Caffern

Support Platoon (Patch)
1st Lieutenant Joen Effran
Master Sergeant Hersch Landwitz
Doctor Leslianne Welker
Doctor Coralee Yittakur
Corporal Smith Pagner
Corporal Vesten Holland

Armor Detachment (Illuminators)
Squadron Commander Menelus Marbray
of the Leman Russ MBT "Pangode Victoria" (Hammer of Victory)
Tank Commander Titus Modrak
of the Leman Russ MBT "Morsus alManus" (Bites the Hand)
Tank Commander Amnito Skult
of the Leman Russ Demolisher "Procellade Illustro" (Tempest of Illumination)

Transport Detachment (Magic Carpet)

Squadron Commander Valens Lyme
Tank Commander Metallius Cotant
Tank Commander Titus Gelineau


  1. Naming every guardsman would be insane.

    My paint-writing skills stink, so I don't even try to write names on bases anymore. I do have my major dudes named and I use those names on my army lists and battle reports.

    It is to the point now where the players in my group recognize my named characters (although they still call Siabolst Ghan - a primaris psyker - The Emperor because of the "lightning coming out of his hands").

    I even name my armor units and keep tally of their kills.

  2. I think naming your guys can inject a great amount of personality to an army. However, I'm personally not a fan of the names being written on the bases, but as you say it does get done and other people obviously like it!

    I think listing the names on your army list is more than adequate.



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